There’s an old saying out there about sometimes it’s hard to see the forest from the trees. Comcast in Washington State supported more than 300 causes of one kind or another in 2013. Those are our “trees.” Every year, we then map out the individual agencies and entities we work with to offer charitable donations and other support in the areas we serve of Seattle, the rest of Western Washington and Spokane County. The map thus helps us identify “the forest” of community giving.
While we may have a deep or simple relationship with anyone on this map, we are proud of each and every connection we can make in the community and whatever help we can provide. There are two maps:
- A list of places where Comcast donated in 2013
- A map of places where Comcast donated in recent years including 2013
There are different kinds of descriptions for each gift, but here are some of the categories in our 2013 map:
- Teal: donations of money and, often, airtime. These funds can either come from our local budget or from the Comcast Foundation.
- Red dust: donations of airtime to help publicize a cause or activity.
- Blue: a $1,000 scholarship to a senior through the Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship Program, through the Comcast Foundation.
There are some donations still being processed and tracked for December, so this post will eventually be updated with year-end numbers.