Time-Lapse Video of Comcast Storm Repairs in January 2012

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One of the communications technicians based in our Auburn offices, Brian Farchette, is pretty handy with a camera. Now that the storm repairs are well under control, Brian had time to go back over some video he filmed in the aftermath of the January 2012 winter mess in Puget Sound. What he gives us on the video above is a glimpse into what it was like out there in the cold. We hope you find the video interesting. The time-lapse part begins about a minute and 30 seconds into the video.

If you go to the original YouTube page, Brian gives a special shout-out to the employees from Spokane who came over the mountains to help their brethen. Everyone in Western Washington appreciated their help!

We were all glad the storm only damaged certain areas and not others: employees in less-damaged areas such as Spokane, Bellingham, Aberdeen, Everett and Seattle quickly spread through other areas to help with the massive recovery effort. We also had crews from California helping for some time.

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