Power Cycling can Improve Modem Performance
The idea for the video below actually began with a cell phone. Here’s the story: My T-mobile phone was having all sorts of connectivity problems. I called in, and they told me to pull out the battery and put it back in. That worked! The phone was like new. I took the technician’s advice and pull out the battery every few weeks.
That night, I told my daughter how surprised I was that how simply yanking out the battery had helped. My daughter sells e-readers for a bookstore. She says that people bring their e-reader into the store, she pulls out the battery, and the customer thinks she’s a genius because she’s fixed their device.
So I guess I was not surprised to learn the systematic removal of a battery has a fancy name: Power cycling is an important way to ‘clean out’ many electronic devices including your Comcast equipment.
You might wonder, why does power cycling work? Why does it work on so many devices? We posed the question “What is a good way to explain to someone without an electronics background why ‘power cycling’ improves performance of cell phones, computers, e-readers, modems, etc?” on the website Quora, and got some helpful answers. Check out the answers. One person compares power cycling to giving your car an oil change; another compares it to how you might replace an old, cluttered address book with a new one.
So we asked one of our phone customer service wizards, Andres Florez, to take us on a steps 1, 2, 3 of how to power cycle. Here’s how you can improve the performance of Comcast equipment through power cycling: