As we told you before, our local offices get excited about United Way drives to raise money for the needy in the communities we serve. The results from the two-week drive are in and are impressive: more than $193,000 donated or pledged to United Ways in Puget Sound and Spokane. All our Washington State offices stepped forward, but a couple of offices raised so much money through special events that they actually had more than 100 percent participation (in effect, people gave twice – through pledges and through donating at special events). Our stars included the Aberdeen office, which is relatively small, but tightly-knit and with a strong heart for Grays Harbor. Other high performers included our call centers in Lynnwood and Fife and our field office in Olympia. One place with a lot of heart is Everett: both our field office and our call center recorded high participation.
Nationwide, Comcasters donated $5.6 million. If you’re passionate about United Way and the people it serves, it’s worth reading this blog post by Savannah Guthrie, Co-Anchor of “Today”