MIT and Comcast to Show Live Stream of the Lunar Landing

A photo of moon landing equipment.

When the IM-2 rocket lands on the southern surface of the moon tomorrow afternoon, MIT and Comcast will broadcast it live to the homes of Xfinity customers via X1 and online through a new immersive website they jointly developed called

Comcast has a 20-year partnership with the MIT Media Lab, bringing industry insight and collecting valuable research about technology, media, art, and design from the MIT Media Lab community. Based on this relationship, Comcast was invited to be MIT’s communication partner for their upcoming mission to the moon – bringing live footage (including a possible “earth eclipse!”) and never-before-seen 3D images of the moon’s surface collected from MIT’s 3D lunar imaging camera, that will be mounted to the primary rover, into the homes of viewers across the globe.

All this amazing and educational content will be brought into the homes of Xfinity customers via a new interactive experience on X1. Accessible by “to the moon” into the voice remote, the destination will be constantly updated with new content throughout the 20-day mission and also includes a host of educational content, including crew bios and interviews, mission background, and more.

Additionally, all this great content will be made available on a new website ( that Comcast and MIT jointly designed and developed, combining elements from MIT and the X1 experience.

The IM-2 landing is slated for around 12:32 pm ET tomorrow, March 6. More information is available here:

In the coming months, Comcast plans to expand the reach of its “To the Moon” experience by making it available across all its entertainment platforms, including Xumo devices.

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