Digital Inclusion Week – Day 1: Providing Basic Literacy Skills

Comcast’s Digital Equity Network is an interconnected group of organizations in the Pacific Northwest that have a connection with each other and work collectively toward a common purpose to increase access and adoption of the internet, help people get online, build digital skills and open doors to economic mobility. Each day during, National Digital Inclusion Week, Oct. 2-6, 2023, we are highlighting local digital equity partners, resources and activities aimed at bridging the digital divide in the Pacific Northwest.
Today, we are pleased to showcase the work of Seattle-based Literary Source. As a member of our Digital Equity Network, Literacy Source makes it possible for adults to gain the basic literacy skills they need to succeed in school, to find a job, to achieve life goals, and to create a better, more hopeful future.
Comcast has partnered with Literacy Source for well over five years supporting digital literacy/skills with the community they serve. Literacy Source makes it possible for adults to gain basic literacy skills (which includes digital skills) they need to succeed in school, to find a job, to achieve life goals, and to create a better, more hopeful future. Literacy Source helps to co-lead the Digital Equity Learning Network (DELN) King County.
The partnership between Comcast and Literary Source continues to move forward in 2023 and beyond as Comcast continues to regularly support students and help them navigate how to find affordable internet through Comcast’s Internet Essentials.