So much #Pride: Why Comcasters marched in the Seattle Pride Parade

This article accompanies our main post about the 2017 Seattle Pride Parade. For other photos of the day, visit our Flickr albums here and here.
We asked several Comcasters to express why marching in the parade meant so much to them. Here’s what they said.
Name: Jen Martinez
Role at Comcast: Regional project manager and co-lead for the OUT@Comcast ERG
Why did you march? With the current political environment, it is more important than ever for corporations and allies to be present and vocal in their support of the LGBTQ community.
What will you remember the most? It was such an honor to be part of Comcast’s first time as a participant in the Pride Parade and to be there for the debut of the Xfinity Unicorn van. Seeing so many Comcasters and spectators celebrating love, inclusion and diversity was a total inspiration.
Name: Michelle Davis (seen in the photo above, marching on the left)
Role at Comcast: HR Director
Why did you march? I really wanted to do this as a board member of OUT@Comcast and also to support my family and friends who are in the LGBTQ community.
What will you remember most? The memory that is still with me is how welcoming the crowd was, the energy that was exuded, and the fun that we had has a Comcast family! Wow, what a rush 🙂 I also loved doing this with my husband and stepdaughter – it was a great family day!
Name: Anthony Piedmonte
Role at Comcast: Regional project manager and external engagement chair for the OUT@Comcast employee resource group.
Why did you march? In an ever-changing political environment, it is key for companies like Comcast be at the forefront of equality for all for the community, nation and even the world to see. Having Comcast participate in the parade sends a message that we as a company support equality for all.
What will you remember the most? Being the first year we participated in the parade, what I will remember most is the fantastic turnout and the energy everyone brought. We had a very diverse group of people march, and there was a clear message of enthusiasm and support for the LGBTQ community.
Name: Chioni Ramsey
Role at Comcast: Administrative assistant for Fife call center
Why did you march? It was important to me that people know that Comcast and myself are allies to the LGBTQ community and we support and encourage inclusion.
What will you remember most? There was an energy I cannot put into words. Everyone was so filled with love and support, and there was so much happiness and celebration. I felt inspired to be that way every day.
Name: Dyana Langley-Robinson
Role at Comcast: Project management, director
Why did you march? It was an important opportunity to show not only in words but in my physical presence being there that I support our LGBTQ community. Especially as the first time Comcast has been in the parade, I was thrilled to support our latest Employee Resource Group, OUT@Comcast. “Diversity & Inclusion” is more than words – it is part of the culture to succeed. Our employees and community need to see that we represent them in all aspects of their lives.
What will you remember most? In the moments before we started marching, there was a serious buzz in the air. The parade was delayed, but different groups were dancing, talking, sharing stories (as well as snacks and “homemade” fans for the heat).
It was such a great feeling to be with our co-workers and enjoying the moment while also engaging with the companies and groups around us. Also, as we began to march, the consistent energy of all the people who were there to watch the parade was like electricity to those of us marching in the heat. What a great day!