2,000 Volunteers Make Change Happen in Washington State for Comcast Cares Day 2013

More than 2,000 Comcast employees and friends volunteered April 27, 2013, as part of Comcast Cares Day. If you read our previous post with links to the groups, you may wonder how it all turned out. The answer is, we made a lot of change happen.
Click on the name of the organization to see our photographs on Flickr that show what happened on Comcast Cares Day 2013. If the name of the organization is not a link, then it means the pictures are coming soon. The other links will tell you what else went on that day. Plants got planted, benches and raised planter beds got built, computers got installed, lives got improved. If there are no links under the name, it means the local media did not report on the volunteering (or, if you are seeing this the week of April 27, it may mean the media has not reported on the volunteering yet).
Aberdeen: Miller Junior High School.
- Here’s what KXRO had to say about the coming project.
- Here’s the report from KBKW radio.
- Here’s what KXRO had to say, with pictures, after the big day.
Arlington: Sarvey Wildlife Care Center
- Here’s what Sarvey had to say about the coming project on their Facebook page.
- Here’s a slideshow set to music prepared by the photographer
- Here’s a thank you from Sarvey’s director that was printed by the Everett Herald.
Bellingham: Lions Camp Horizon
Everett: Everett’s Delta Neighborhood.
- Here’s info from the Everett Herald about the event.
- Here’s a TV segment that shows some of the work.
Gig Harbor: Kenneth Leo Marvin Veterans Memorial Park
- Here’s the city’s news release about our 40 volunteers.
- Here’s an account in the Gig Harbor Patch in advance of the event at Kenneth Leo Marvin Veterans Park
- Here’s the Gig Harbor Patch report after the event, with photos and video.
- The Peninsula Gateway wrote, “CHEERS to Comcast for weeding and mulching the Kenneth Leo Marvin Veterans Memorial Park. It looks wonderful.”
- Here’s how the Kent Reporter described the big day.
- Here’s what Northwest Harvest had to say about all their many corporate sponsors.
Olympia: Rebuilding Together of Thurston County
- Read ThurstonTalk’s account of the coming day.
- Here’s another great report from ThurstonTalk, showing the results for the homeowner.
Pierce County: HopeSparks, McKinley Park, and the Gig Harbor Park
- The Suburban Times explains how the volunteering matters to Pierce County.
- Here’s what the Business Examiner had to say about our Pierce County projects
Redmond: Eastside Audubon Society at the Audubon BirdLoop at Marymoor Park
- Headline: Eastside Audubon and Comcast team up to take on blackberries at Marymoor.
- Here’s the Redmond Reporter’s chronicle of the big day.
- We appreciate this nice thanks from the Eastside Audubon Society, who report it would have taken 10 people in one year to do what we did in one day at Marymoor Park.
Seattle: Aki Kurose Middle School
Above you can see a video about some of the young people who are helped by the Labateyah Youth Home.
- Here’s a segment, looking forward to the big day in Seattle, with Margaret Larson of New Day Northwest
- Here’s another video (also embedded above at the top of this post) that shows off all the activity, and the moment when the United Indians of all Tribes Foundations learned they were getting a surprise $25,000 donation from the Comcast Foundation.
- Here’s a more extensive set of slides.
- Here’s a report and photos from the Ballard News Tribune.
- Here are the live segments from Comcast Cares Day, by KIRO 7:
Spokane: Excelsior Youth Center
- Here’s a story the Easterner newspaper at Eastern Washington University published before the big day.
- The Suburban Times: HopeSparks Selected for Comcast Cares Day.
- Here’s an account of what to expect Saturday from Tacoma Weekly.
- Here’s what HopeSparks had to say about what the donations of time and money mean to the organization.
Here’s an employee video of activities at the park