The United Way at Comcast in Washington
As we told you before, our local offices get excited about United Way drives to raise money for the needy in the communities we serve. The results from the two-week drive are in and are impressive: more than $193,000 donated or pledged to United Ways in Puget Sound and Spokane. All our Washington State offices stepped forward, but a couple of offices raised so much money through special events that they actually had more than 100 percent participation (in effect, people gave twice – through pledges and through donating at special events). Our stars included the Aberdeen office, which is relatively small, but tightly-knit and with a strong heart for Grays Harbor. Other high performers included our call centers in Lynnwood and Fife and our field office in Olympia. One place with a lot of heart is Everett: both our field office and our call center recorded high participation.
Nationwide, Comcasters donated $5.6 million. If you’re passionate about United Way and the people it serves, it’s worth reading this blog post by Savannah Guthrie, Co-Anchor of “Today”