Comcaster Volunteers Time to Fight Crime Through Video

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Comcast's Ed Hauge with CrimeStoppers award

Our own Ed Hauge, with the award he received from Crime Stoppers International for a video explaining the mission and activities of Crime Stoppers of Tacoma/Pierce County

Comcast Video Production Manager Ed Hauge, who is based in Puyallup, was recently honored for his involvement with Crime Stoppers of Tacoma/Pierce County. We’re proud of Ed and his personal involvement with that group, so we wanted to share some of this story. The award came at the 33rd annual meeting of Crime Stoppers International.  Ed accepted the organization’s Media Award for Best Television Special Reports/Features for a video that explains what the local Crime Stoppers does and how it does it. Learn more (and see the video) at

Besides being their video wizard, Hauge is also a leader within the local group. He is president this year of the  board of directors of Crime Stoppers of Tacoma/Pierce County. Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting law enforcement in solving crimes and locating wanted fugitives.  Located throughout the world in 17 countries with over 1,100 programs, Crime Stoppers groups work with the media to publicize unsolved crimes, take anonymous tips from the public on unsolved crimes, and pay cash rewards to tipsters whose information leads to an arrest and charges filed.

Since Crime Stoppers shows information about crime to the community, Ed’s experience in video and presentation is invaluable to the cause. To Ed, this is a form of community service he really enjoys. “With limited resources available to our crime-fighting community, they need all the help they can get,” Ed says. “It’s an honor to serve with an organization like Crime Stoppers that helps to make our community a better place to live.  Every time we pay out an award and put a bad guy away, it’s a great feeling.”If you’d like to see the award-winning video, it’s below. If you live in the Pierce County area – or watch TV news in the Seattle area – you will recognize some of the people in the video, including Pierce County Sheriff’s spokesman Lt. Ed Troyer , Tacoma police spokesman Officer Mark Fulgham, and local TV newsman David Rose.  But the best thing about the video to his colleagues is that Ed Hauge himself makes a rare appearance in front of the camera!

“Crime Stoppers has a 20- person diversified board of directors, and with the strong leadership of President Ed Hauge, Crime Stoppers has stepped up and taken care of many in our community and will continue to grow to help those in need and to take criminals off the street,” Troyer says.  “Crime Stoppers is also a 100-percent-volunteer group. Ed puts a lot of his energy time and talent into the program, making Crime Stoppers one of the most successful nonprofits in Pierce County and the region.”

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