It’s a Slam Dunk: Shawn Kemp & Jamal Crawford Want to Close the Digital Divide

We’ve kept you posted on a growing list of public figures who have helped us get out the word about Comcast Internet Essentials, Comcast’s program to bring technology to families where children qualify for free- or reduced-price school lunch. Two sports stars are now featured in our latest PSAs promoting Internet Essentials. We’re grateful to both of them: Shawn Kemp and Jamal Crawford.
As you might imagine, SuperSonics legend Shawn Kemp gets a lot of these requests to help promote causes. We’re thankful he gave us some time to talk about Internet Essentials. When producer Ed Hauge came by to film him, Shawn was serving food and drink at his Seattle restaurant, Oskar’s Kitchen.
Jamal Crawford filmed his PSA with us in Rainier Valley, his old stomping grounds. It’s no surprise he cares about young people; he’s been running a clinic at a local Boys & Girls Club. He is getting ready to head out to join his new team, the Los Angeles Clippers.
Here are their Internet Essentials PSAs that we will be airing throughout Washington State: