Why Team Comcast Walks in Seattle … Against Breast Cancer

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Comcast is again a proud sponsor of the Komen Puget Sound Race for the Cure on June 3. This year’s PSA features Seattle Sounder Servando Carrasco, whose mother is a breast cancer survivor. Click on the frame above to see the PSA, which we will be airing on dozens of cable channels throughout May and the first couple days of June.

Comcast also again has a team this year. We asked one of its members, Sara, who works in our Lynnwood call center, to tell us why she participates. Her words speak for themselves. The one reference you might want a little background on is to the former head of customer care here, Cindy Gallanger, who died of breast cancer in 2010. You can learn more about Cindy here. Many, many people here think often of Cindy. We miss her. And we hate breast cancer.

This is why Sara races in the Race for the Cure:

I race for my friends who have been recently diagnosed and triumphed beyond the medical treatments of Breast Cancer. They have now began their emotional healing from such a life-changing experience.  

Sara, at the 2011 Race for the Cure in Seattle Center

I race for Cindy Gallanger, who fought a valiant fight but ultimately lost her life to this disease.

I race because I quit smoking in September of 2009 and can now actually get the oxygen needed to run further than my own street mailbox.  I am a testament of what you CAN accomplish if you set your mind to it.

I race to raise money that will help wipe this disease off the planet, to raise awareness and be an advocate for someone who would not be screened otherwise.  Early detection is key.  Have you or your family members been screened this year?  This cancer doesn’t discriminate. 

I race  as it allows me this type of forum to break down the stereotypes of a diagnosis and treatment.  Breast cancer sometimes can’t be seen; you don’t always lose your hair or have to experience major surgeries.

I race .. well .. look at my shirt.   I am a 10-year survivor.

I race for ME and you.

If you already donate in this area, bless you for doing so. if you did want to donate on behalf of the Komen efforts to study, prevent and eradicate breast cancer, we’d appreciate your donation here. This is a disease that really needs to go.

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