Don’t Miss A Happy Ending: Extending Recording Times for Live Events like the Super Bowl

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This Sunday you can find the Super Bowl either on channel 13 or in High Def on channel 113. We want you to enjoy the entire program, so here’s some information on recording it. The truth is, your Comcast cable box is smart, but it’s not a  person. It thinks the Super Bowl will end at one time, and Glee will start and end at other set times.

But reality is unpredictable. It’s entirely possible the Super Bowl will run long. If that happens, Glee will start later than scheduled in the TV guide and then of course also end later. ”

So we recommend that if you are recording  either the Super Bowl or Glee or both on your DVR, you might want to tell your box to record extra time.

It takes a second to extend recording times, but it’s simple. when you are setting up to record, call up ‘record settings’ and select ‘End Time’ to be able to add time to the recording. For a livelier discussion of how to extend recording times for live events that might run, visit this blog post. The pictures help explain.

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