Citizen of the Year for Auburn Washington, Comcast’s Terry Davis

Auburn’s always fun to visit, and by all accounts, a great place to live and work. I always look forward to the events I attend there, such as the massive and unifying annual breakfast of Auburn Youth Resources.

So it’s always fun to visit the office there. One big reason it’s so fun to visit the office there is Terry Davis, our government affairs director in South King County. We all know Terry is a cheerful, positive guy. Terry will frequently mention, in passing, various things he’s involved with. So we knew he was busy. But even we were caught by surprise when the local newspaper named him citizen of the year.

Read the Auburn Reporter’s story about Terry Davis here.

I love the quote from Nancy Wyatt, President and COO of the Auburn Area Chamber of Commerce: “Yes, he’s got that relaxed, easy-going manner, but he is also highly informed on the issues, very inquisitive, and highly, highly intelligent … Terry has always been very good about being able to work through the process, look at the issues from every angle, and come up with the best possible solutions.”

Terry is compassionate, caring and focused. It’s really nice to see him recognized. The final quote in the article is him saying “I have truly been blessed with a job that allows me to be actively involved in the communities that I serve.”

Well, we’re blessed to know Terry.

A final thought about community … It’s nice Auburn still has a community newspaper that can recognize people! Kudos to the Reporter for taking the time to profile someone, regardless of what company the person is from. That’s a great thing to do for community.

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