Another Way of Checking on Any Comcast Service Interruptions/Outages

Update from February 2013: click here for an updated post on Xfinity’s many self-help resources.
So here’s an example of what a customer might say to himself or herself if there’s an interruption to their service: “I’m having a problem with my Comcast service. Are others having this same problem or is there a problem at my home/business? Should I call the company, or are they already working on a problem in my area?’
First of all, don’t hesitate to call and check. But lots of folks want something more automated. We here in Washington were working on a mapping system, but then something simpler came along. We were very pleased to announce a few months ago that you can subscribe to a text-messaging service that will tell you if you are affected by a Comcast outage. The catch to that service is you have to subscribe in advance and of course you need a text-messaging-capable phone. Signing up is still worth doing, by the way. You can also use text messaging to learn what your balance is, the location of the closest payment center, and a number of other convenient bits of information. See the full list here.
But there’s a new way to check, online, if there’s a service problem in your area. When you sign into your Comcast account at Customer Central, you should see a prompt in the upper right of the screen. The Comcast Service Health Status space is circled below.

You can now check online if there are any Comcast service problems or outages in your area here in Washington state.
So now you can use the Customer Service Health Status to check on your service. Between this and the text messaging service, we hope this helps. I’m sure there will even more tools along the way.