Snowstorm Outage Update 02/07/17 8:00AM
Overnight we saw solid progress by our commercial power partners in restoring service. Combined Seattle City Light, Puget Sound Energy, Tacoma Power and Snohomish County PUD are reporting approximately 25,000 outages – a dramatic reduction from yesterday morning.
At this point there are some Comcast customers who have regained power, but whose Comcast services remains out. There could be a few reasons for this – the power line that feeds the home, may not be the power line that feeds the Comcast plant in that neighborhood and that latter power line may not have commercial power restored yet.
A second common scenario is that both power and Comcast lines are pulled down from a fallen tree. In that scenario, safety regulations require power crews complete their work, prior to Comcast crews being permitted to start their work. In this scenario commercial power will be restored potentially hours prior to the Comcast services.
The last common scenario, and one we typically start seeing at this point of storm recovery, is when a “drop” – the cable line from the pole to the residences – is damaged or downed. Until commercial power is restored, Comcast may not be aware of that damage. As commercial power is being restored, we are becoming more aware of these issues and are aggressively working to resolve them.
We are committed to restoring your service as quickly and safely as possible. We value your business and sincerely regret any inconvenience these storm related outages may have caused you, your family or business.