Comcast Supports Oso Mudslide Relief

The people in and around Oso have not been far from our thoughts this week after a horrific natural disaster. Comcast has touched that situation in a couple of ways. First, colleagues united to speed a rush order to get more and faster Internet services to relief facilities operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and Snohomish County. At the same time, others here discussed how we can support that community.
Out of this was born the idea to make two donations: $5,000 in cash to the relief fund of the United Way of Snohomish County, and then to offer more than $50,000 worth of production assistance and airtime for PSAs to raise even more money. So you can expect to see either or both of the spots in the YouTube link above somewhere in Washington as we support the recovery. Our thanks to colleagues at Comcast Spotlight for their work on this PSA and getting it on the air so quickly.
“This is a tragic event that has taken place in our own backyard,” said Steve Kipp, VP of Communications at Comcast. “We are happy to be able to provide support in any way we can, whether that’s a direct contribution to a fund to aid the mudslide victims, an Internet connection for FEMA’s command center in Arlington or the creation of a public service announcement for the United Way.”
If you are interested in contributing to the United Way Disaster Recovery Fund for Mudslide Relief, please click here.