Monroe Charms and Excites on the Latest “Neighborhoods”
The latest Comcast Neighborhoods features Monroe, a small town with charm, energy, and excitement.
Host, Sabrina Register takes viewers to the Monroe Historical Society to learn a bit about the town’s history and even get a glimpse of original jail cells from 1908.
Sky River Bakery, a popular neighborhood sweet stop, also adds to the small town charm of Monroe with pastries like traditional butter horns, muffins, and an “outstanding” raspberry white-chocolate scone.
The Evergreen State Fairgrounds is also a prominent Monroe attraction that has become a cultural and historical asset to Snohomish County for its exciting year-round events. Including, Evergreen Speedway NASCAR races, the Evergreen State Fair, concerts and more.
Monroe is a fast growing area with events and attractions that make for modern and traditional experiences for residents and visitors.
Below you’ll find links to some of the places featured on the show.